Multiple Choice Objective Question On Power System Part 1
Hello Engineers.
Q.1 Feeder is designed mainly from the point of view of-
A. Its current carrying capacity
B. Voltage drop in it
C. Operating voltage
D. Operating Frequency
Ans: A
Q.2 Distributors are designed from the point of view of –
A. Its current carrying capacity
B. Operating voltage
C. Voltage drop in it
D. Operating frequency
Ans: C
Q.3 Transmission and distribution of electric power by underground system is superior to overhead system in respect of-
A. Apperance and public safety
B. Maintenance cost
C. Frequency of faults, power failure and accidents
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q.4 The main drawback(s) of underground system over overhead system is/are-
A. Exposure to lighting
B. Heavy initial cost
C. Exposure to atmospheric hazards such as smoke, ice, wind etc.
D. Inductive interference between power and commuication circuit
Ans: B
Q.5 The main drawback of ovehead system over underground syste is-
A. Underground system is more flexible than overhead system
B. Higher charging current
C. Surge problem
D. High initial cost
Ans: C
Q.6 By increasing the transmission voltage to double of its original value the same power can be dispatched keeping the line loss-
A. Equal to original value
B. Half the original value
C. Double the original value
D. One fourth of original value
Ans: D
Q.7 For the same voltage drop, increasing the voltage of a distributor n time-
A. Reduces the x section of the conductor by n times
B. Increases the x section of the conductor by n times
C. Reduces the x section of conductor by n^2 times
D. Increases the x section of the conductor by n^2 times
Ans: A
Q.8 The volume of copper required for an ac transmission line is inversely proportional to-
A. Current
B. Voltage
C. Power factor
D. Both b and c
Ans: D
Q.9 Improving power factor-
A. Reduces current for a given output
B. Increases losses in line
C. Increases the cost of station equipment
D. None
Ans: A
Q.10 For the same conductor length, same amount of power, same lnsse sand same maximum voltage to earth, which system requires minimum conductor area-
A. Single phase ac
B. 3 phase ac
C. 2 wire ac
D. 3 wire ac
Ans: D
Q. 11 Transmission line connects-
A. Generating station to a switching station
B. Stepdown transformer station to service transformer banks
C. Distribution transformer to consumer premises
D. Service points to consumer permises
Answer: A
Q.12 A 3 phase 4 wire system is commonly used for-
A. Primary distribution
B. Secondary distribution
C. Primary transmission
D. Secondary transmission
Ans: B
Q.13 The rated voltage of a 3 phase power system is given as-
A. rms phase voltage
B. peak phase voltage
C. peak line to line voltage
D. rms line to line voltage
Ans: D
Q.14 Which of the following is usually not the generating voltage-
A. 6.6 kV
B. 9.9 kV
C. 11kV
D. 13.2kV
Q.15 In a transmission system the feeder supplies power to-
A. Transformer substations
B. Service mains
C. Distributors
D. All
Ans: C
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