This type of motor consists of a squirrel cage rotor and stator consisting of salient poles i.e. projected poles. The…
To understand the concept of armature reaction, consider a two pole d.c.generator. For simplicity we will assume that the brushes…
Now we will consider the definitions of different types of winding pitches, required in the design of the armature winding.…
The compound motor consists of part of the field winding connected in series and part of the field winding connected…
In order to reduce the effect of armature reaction following methods are used. 1) The armature reaction causes the distortion…
In case of series generator, Ia = Ise = IL As load current increases, Ise increases. The flux ? is directly proportional to.…
The characteristics depends on whether generator is cumulatively compound or differentially compound generator. In cumulatively compound, ?2r = ?2r + ?2r. As…
The magnetic field required for the operation of a d.c. generator is produced by an electromagnet. This electromagnet carries a…
The characteristics is separately excited d.c. generator are divided into two types, 1) Magnetization and 2) Load characteristics. 1.1 Magnetization…
The various effects armature reaction can be summarised as 1) The armature reaction always results in reduction of generated e.m.f.…