Categories: Electrical Machines

Standby Generators and Custom Commercial Generators for Sale

Humankind has become extremely dependent on electricity, without it we can’t run the household, keep on working, or do business. To assist property owners in the case of a power outage, clever engineers have designed the generator.
You might ask, “How do generators actually work?”. Well, unlike a power factory that creates electricity and spread it to the masses, generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. By using motion, signal, and rotation as a power source, it converts this movement into electrical energy by forcing electrons through an electrical circuit.
Because of this clever innovation, many homeowners and especially commercial property owners have started to invest in standby and custom commercial generators. Not only does it allow them to go about their daily program without disturbance, but it also creates a safety blanket for any electronical equipment.

What’s the Difference Between a Standby and a Commercial Generator?

The biggest difference between these two models is the volume of power it produces in different cases. A standby generator kicks in whenever the primary power supply shuts down. It therefore functions as a backup power supply that starts working whenever there’s an emergency with the main power supply.

Watch this video to learn more about the difference between standby and portable generators and which one is the better option for you. Standby generators are typically used in large commercial properties that has to stay open to the public even when the power is out. This will also ensure that cash registers, refrigerators, freezers, and lighting within the building keeps running even though the area’s power is off.

Commercial generator can be used in residential areas when the power is out for a long period of time. They are usually powered by diesel or natural gas. And can be manually switched on by the owner. Commercial models are usually a bit smaller and many homeowners only use them to power vital appliances like the refrigerator or freezer.

They truly come in handy when there’s a power outage due to storms. Generators can help heat up food, water, and provide lighting during scary power outages late at night.

The great thing about both these generators is that you can buy portable models. This means, that you can move it around the home or residential property to power areas where it’s much needed. Commercial generators are easy to transport by carrying, while bigger standby generators, especially those used to power big properties, need to be transported by a trailer.

Wondering whether you should invest in a generator for your home? Watch this to see if buying a unit is worth the money:

What Should I Consider When Buying a Generator?

To ensure you buy a model that is best suited for your needs, you need to consider the following factors before purchasing a generator:

Consider future maintenance and extra parts

Not all generators have everything inside the box that you’ll need. In the future, you might have to pay extra for maintenance and fuel. Even though they might look unbreakable and extremely durable, many generators are complex and intricate machines that need to undergo regular checkups.
Other parts like those needed to connect the unit to your property might be sold separately. Not all portable models come with a carrier and wheels, which is necessary if you want to transport it around a property. Make sure that you know exactly what you need to get it going.
Furthermore, if you aren’t sure how to install the unit, it’s best you consult with a professional and qualified company. Allow them to install the unit and schedule regular maintenance to ensure it performs to its optimum potential.

Personal requirements

It’s not as simple as picking the first one you see. You have to consider the wattages, how much power you are going to need, how much fuel you have to input, and what appliances you’d want to plug in. Sensitive appliances like televisions, laptops, and computers shouldn’t be directly plugged into a powerful generator.
Consider what specific appliances you’ll need electricity for and purchase the right output percentage that is befitting. If you’re still not sure, you can consult with a professional agent such as Prima Power generators for assistance.

Portable or standalone

Depending on the layout of your property you can choose between two main types of generators: portable or standalone. Portable generators are less expensive and can be stored away when you aren’t using them. They are usually not as heavy and can be moved around easily.
Most portable units are powered with fuel and should be manually started when needed.
Standalone generators are permanently installed outside the commercial or residential property. It’s usually protected with a weather resistant coating or kind of shed to keep it from getting soaked by rain or scorched by the sun.
The standalone generator is perfect for large commercial buildings that have a lot of important electrically powered equipment inside. Without anyone being on the premises, the generator will kick in in case of an electrical emergency.


Generators are noisy! Even though there are many brands who offer quieter models, they will always produce noise. This is something to consider especially if you live in an area where there are strict noise pollution rules. Consider buying a unit that runs at less decibels to remain considerate to neighbors and adjacent businesses.

Fuel consumption

These models don’t run on nothing and you will have to make sure that you always have enough fuel on hand. Most units use natural diesel or traditional petrol or diesel. Even though they aren’t easily accessible, solar powered units have been gaining popularity. To ensure longevity, your generator should never run out of fuel while connected to the property’s electricity.
If you and your business is reliant on electricity to perform daily tasks, then it’s recommended you invest in a quality generator. Not only will it give you stable and clean power during emergencies, but it will also ensure the safety and security of your workforce.


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